Alright, so I've pretty much put my foam base on hold at the moment (after I finish the eyes at least) and since I'm out of work at the moment I'm looking for a more long-term project I can tinker with whenever I'm able.
This has lead me to the concept of sculpting and resing casting, a generic big cat resin blank in particular. I've got everything else just about down and I've been trying to figure out the costs of everything I'll need.
Now, thinking far into the future, I'm wondering how I'll cut apart the blank(s) I make. I've taken a peek through the memories and done countless google searches on the topic and I've seen two widely used methods: 1. heat gun + x-acto/heavy duty crafting knife and 2. Dremel.
1. I DO NOT trust myself with a heat gun or using the force that is sometimes needed to cut off bits with a knife. (Absolutely horrified of heat guns, tips of glue guns and anything visibly hot/warm)
2. I really like the thought of this option. It seems much easier and consistent.
Because of this I've basically come to the conclusion I'd prefer purchasing a Dremel. If there are any reasons or solid evidence you feel the heating + manually cutting would be a much better option, let me know!!
On a related note, I'm currently looking at THIS model. Has anyone here had experience using it before? How well does it hold up to what I plan on using it for? Does it come with the necessary "bits"? What are the bits I should use?
This has lead me to the concept of sculpting and resing casting, a generic big cat resin blank in particular. I've got everything else just about down and I've been trying to figure out the costs of everything I'll need.
Now, thinking far into the future, I'm wondering how I'll cut apart the blank(s) I make. I've taken a peek through the memories and done countless google searches on the topic and I've seen two widely used methods: 1. heat gun + x-acto/heavy duty crafting knife and 2. Dremel.
1. I DO NOT trust myself with a heat gun or using the force that is sometimes needed to cut off bits with a knife. (Absolutely horrified of heat guns, tips of glue guns and anything visibly hot/warm)
2. I really like the thought of this option. It seems much easier and consistent.
Because of this I've basically come to the conclusion I'd prefer purchasing a Dremel. If there are any reasons or solid evidence you feel the heating + manually cutting would be a much better option, let me know!!
On a related note, I'm currently looking at THIS model. Has anyone here had experience using it before? How well does it hold up to what I plan on using it for? Does it come with the necessary "bits"? What are the bits I should use?