So, I'm sure I'll be fussing over this in the next few weeks -- but I figured I'd ask on here as well. I've got a pretty good idea of the "general" shapes one might use for foaming a more "generic" shaped canine head (er let's just say pointy nose) and I've been looking at the few suits/in progress pics I could find to help but, would anyone be able to help maybe give me some ideas for template shapes I might be able to use for a more squished in dog like a Pug?
Any tips/advice/suggested shapes would be great. I'm also wondering how I'm going to do all the folds and I'm afraid I'm going to over think everything and go crazy heheh. It's going to be a toony style head. Also trying to figure out how to do the eyes, I really want to capture the "boggle" eyes Boston Terriers have going and someone recommended using tea strainers (which I'm going to try unless I get a better idea). I'm going with those instead of domes/bowls/acrylics whatever because I want something that's at least semi-breathable. I wish there was a way to curve plastic mesh or buckram into more of a "bowl" shape but I can't think of anything. ;_; Any help on that front would be great too!
Any tips/advice/suggested shapes would be great. I'm also wondering how I'm going to do all the folds and I'm afraid I'm going to over think everything and go crazy heheh. It's going to be a toony style head. Also trying to figure out how to do the eyes, I really want to capture the "boggle" eyes Boston Terriers have going and someone recommended using tea strainers (which I'm going to try unless I get a better idea). I'm going with those instead of domes/bowls/acrylics whatever because I want something that's at least semi-breathable. I wish there was a way to curve plastic mesh or buckram into more of a "bowl" shape but I can't think of anything. ;_; Any help on that front would be great too!