Hello once again. I've started on my second suit out of the prying eyes of mother dearest, because what she doesn't know will allow me to have tons of fun. Anyway, I'd like some feedback on both fur color and foamwork:
I'm making a suit of this derp: a Sonic-styled, half-blind, snaggle-toothed yorkie. How's that for a character description--
Specifically, he'll be a 3/4 suit for now, in this outfit and color scheme (w/ pink ears. That's what I get for being in a rush)--
With a slightly nervous expression because he didn't get that scar above his eye playing chess. Strangers (read: other dogs) make him a bit nervous, so it'll be interesting playing such a character at a fur con of all places--
So questions!
1.) Would anyone happen to know where a light yellow long pile faux fur is even available? Looking through the memories, my best lead was a mention of SyFabric's "Light Gold" which arrived today and disappointed me thoroughly. It's just a soft tan (next to their neon yellow for comparison), which feels very off from the pretty yellow they're advertising. Nice on its own, but not suitable for this project. If there is no light yellow, I'll settle for him being blazing yellow. He was that color once upon a time anyway.
2.) How is the foam work coming at this stage? I see now that I actually need to lower the cheek and brow on the side of the yellow eye so that it appears he's looking forward, as well as twist the nose a bit to the left and make it smaller. But any other critique? Especially for the expression, because I really want to nail that. And the harsher you are, the better it'll be. <3
Thanks once again!