Ok, I'm probably getting annoying by now ._. Swatches came to me today, then of course I find the world's most perfect fur of my character, only to have it out of stock now...
I was lurking on old posts (from about a year ago XP) And someone was asking for "gold fur". I saw somebody link them to the perfect fur color for Akuri's main fur... http://d.facdn.net/art/crssafox/1314142840.crssafox_buttercup.jpg
And this is Akuri http://goldenfennec.deviantart.com/art/Akuri-Reference-296636695 I swear, that is THE closest thing I will ever find.
Apparently it is from I'm Stuffed? But after looking on their website, it doesn't look like they carry it anymore...
SO, Could anybody help me out here? I would LOVE to have a bunch of this fur is anybody has some. Also, what is the pile length? is it good quality? Is it anything like SYfabrics shag? And if anybody could answer, if there also a good pink for the pink on my character's arms and legs? It seems kind of salmon-y?
Also, (Last thing, OTL) when any of you order/buy fabric from people here on the community, do you ever ask for swatches first? I would like to ask for a swath, but it seems that for an individual it is probably too much of a bother. What do you think? Opinions?
Thank you so much guys :3
Looking for I'm Stuffed Buttercup fur!!