I did it! I completed my first full fursuit ever! (I am very excited. ~ ) This is my puffin birdsona, Yu.
99% complete, I should say. I still am going to fix a couple of things before I wear it to a convention (such as the legs, which need some adjustment). Overall, I'm pretty happy with it. It's relatively basic, since I'm also pretty new to sewing, but I like how she turned out. I think she's really cute! C:
("FurWillFly" is in small letters because if I ever decide to make a big fursuit making... uh... whatever it's called then that would be what I want to name it. :3 Because my first two fursuits ever will be birds!)
She's pretty much done for now but any tips for when I make my next suit would be appreciated C: Along with what you think went well on my first suit so I can keep it in mind!
99% complete, I should say. I still am going to fix a couple of things before I wear it to a convention (such as the legs, which need some adjustment). Overall, I'm pretty happy with it. It's relatively basic, since I'm also pretty new to sewing, but I like how she turned out. I think she's really cute! C:
("FurWillFly" is in small letters because if I ever decide to make a big fursuit making... uh... whatever it's called then that would be what I want to name it. :3 Because my first two fursuits ever will be birds!)
She's pretty much done for now but any tips for when I make my next suit would be appreciated C: Along with what you think went well on my first suit so I can keep it in mind!