Long time, no post for me! This summer I've decided to really start my costuming business. I've chosen to call it "Ocean Wolf" after my fursona, who is a coastal grey wolf. I'll probably be changing my LJ name soon as well.
I've been working on a few premade items this summer, to get a bit of money before I relocate to the coast in August. Three tails under the cut!
I've put them into a single image, since they are only tails, after all. Still, I feel really accomplished since each one of them is made using a different method, and the lion tail in particular was a bit of a challenge for me.
They're all for sale. For better pictures and sale information, please see my post over at Fursuit Auctions: http://fursuitauctions.livejournal.com/2993408.html
For the better pictures, please see my FurAffinity page: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/kai./
I figured natural colours and common species would work the best for these premades. However, I'll likely be opening up commissions this fall or winter, depending on what sort of job I end up landing in my new city. I hope to be posting again here soon. Thanks for reading!
-Kai Wolf