These are my submission pictures for the Rebel Legion. I bunched them up into an easier to navigate and load bundle. My internet is slow and loading each one is just...killer!
I succeeded in making the costume ONE solid piece. The latex hands slip back out of the holes and the feet are just elastic underneath a tennis shoe. The costume will be easy to disassemble and its washable! The hands and feet scared me because I feel like I went about them in a rather stupid way. I know how to make fursuit hands and feet, but this isn't your usual "Fursuit" build nor should it be build like one necessarily, either so it was...interesting...and scary, lol.
I got her finished in time for an event, the evening of, mind you. These pictures were taken there while we were getting dressed. Never felt so scared and rushed to do something and do it RIGHT, despite the fact I'm in a time crunch.
Thank you all for your comments and help with me on the suit, even though I tend to get very frustrated and its nothing against you guys, I've finally figured out its me and I'm trying to do things too hard for my current skill level or I'm trying to please people too much more than myself. So apologies for any snippiness. It's nothing personal I just get easily frustrated since I'm still new. :)
I;'d say this suit is about a month for what it's worth in construction. A month or less.
I'm awaiting approval, now, just submitted these pictures earlier this morning. We'll see if this Ewok is welcome as is or not. Seriously, I did not think I would get this done in time! I surprise myself with this hobby!
I succeeded in making the costume ONE solid piece. The latex hands slip back out of the holes and the feet are just elastic underneath a tennis shoe. The costume will be easy to disassemble and its washable! The hands and feet scared me because I feel like I went about them in a rather stupid way. I know how to make fursuit hands and feet, but this isn't your usual "Fursuit" build nor should it be build like one necessarily, either so it was...interesting...and scary, lol.
I got her finished in time for an event, the evening of, mind you. These pictures were taken there while we were getting dressed. Never felt so scared and rushed to do something and do it RIGHT, despite the fact I'm in a time crunch.
Thank you all for your comments and help with me on the suit, even though I tend to get very frustrated and its nothing against you guys, I've finally figured out its me and I'm trying to do things too hard for my current skill level or I'm trying to please people too much more than myself. So apologies for any snippiness. It's nothing personal I just get easily frustrated since I'm still new. :)
I;'d say this suit is about a month for what it's worth in construction. A month or less.
I'm awaiting approval, now, just submitted these pictures earlier this morning. We'll see if this Ewok is welcome as is or not. Seriously, I did not think I would get this done in time! I surprise myself with this hobby!